The Congregation of Franciscan Sisters Minoress originated in London in 1888
At our General Chapter 2022, every Sister was presented with a written account of the Life and Legacy of Our Foundress, Mother Francis Murphy, recounting our Congregational history from its founding to the present day.
At our General Chapter 2022, every Sister was presented with a written account of the Life and Legacy of Our Foundress, Mother Francis Murphy, recounting our Congregational history from its founding to the present day.
Recounting our history is essential for preserving our identity, for strengthening our unity as a family and our common sense of belonging. More than an exercise in archaeology or the cultivation of mere nostalgia, it calls for following in the footsteps of past generations in order to grasp the high ideals, and the vision and values which inspired them, beginning with the founders and foundresses and the first communities. In this way we know how the charism has been lived over the years, the creativity it has sparked, the difficulties it encountered and the concrete ways those difficulties were surmounted. To tell our story is to praise God and to thank him for all his gifts.
(Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter to All Consecrated People, 2015) |

Mother Francis Murphy, Foundress of the Franciscan Minoress Sisters was born in County Wexford on 29th March 1842. She was educated at home sharing a governess with three sisters. Her home was a deeply religious one where daily reading of the Bible was part of family life. Later Sisters who had lived with Mother Francis would remark, 'She seemed to know the Bible by heart'. This love of The Word of God prepared the heart of Mother Francis to resonate with Saint Francis of Assisi whose Rule of Life, based on the Word of God, she would eventually embrace.
On 22nd July 1888, with the approval of Cardinal Manning, Mother Francis began a new ministry committed totally to the destitute. Her wonderful human courage, illuminated by faith in Christ Jesus and the Poverello's spirit of compassion, inspired her new Franciscan ministry. It was a work of mercy to help the itinerant and immigrant people of London, who were poor to the point of destitution.
Cardinal Manning belongs in a significant way to the history of The Franciscan Sisters Minoress. He was profoundly moved by the appalling conditions of the poor and by the destitution of the Irish immigrants who came to England in great numbers in the 19th century. The zealous Cardinal sought Religious Sisters who would assume special responsibility for home visiting in the hazardous society of Long Acre and Covent Garden areas of London. Providentially, he found a response in Francis Murphy.
Cardinal Manning and Mother Francis were alike in their devotion to Saint Francis of Assisi and admiration of the Poverello's love of the poor and disadvantaged. Their mutual Franciscan compassion found means to overcome obstacles and began an apostolate which has, under God, borne much fruit through the years to the present day. Mother Francis' response resulted in the creation of a new Congregation : The Franciscan Sisters Minoress.
On 22nd July 1888, with the approval of Cardinal Manning, Mother Francis began a new ministry committed totally to the destitute. Her wonderful human courage, illuminated by faith in Christ Jesus and the Poverello's spirit of compassion, inspired her new Franciscan ministry. It was a work of mercy to help the itinerant and immigrant people of London, who were poor to the point of destitution.
Cardinal Manning belongs in a significant way to the history of The Franciscan Sisters Minoress. He was profoundly moved by the appalling conditions of the poor and by the destitution of the Irish immigrants who came to England in great numbers in the 19th century. The zealous Cardinal sought Religious Sisters who would assume special responsibility for home visiting in the hazardous society of Long Acre and Covent Garden areas of London. Providentially, he found a response in Francis Murphy.
Cardinal Manning and Mother Francis were alike in their devotion to Saint Francis of Assisi and admiration of the Poverello's love of the poor and disadvantaged. Their mutual Franciscan compassion found means to overcome obstacles and began an apostolate which has, under God, borne much fruit through the years to the present day. Mother Francis' response resulted in the creation of a new Congregation : The Franciscan Sisters Minoress.

Home visiting was the initial call of the Sisters and they sought to relieve the poverty of the people, by providing them with the necessities of life. In this a desire was born and is still part of the life of each Sister today, to be of service to people of all ages - to touch their daily lives and to have them touch ours.
At the invitations of local Bishops we moved to areas other than London, to work in their dioceses. We now have Convents in England, Scotland and South Africa. Nowadays the Sisters are involved in various ministries: education from nursery to adult level; nursing from conception ( pro-life), to death ( care of the elderly) and AIDS nursing, child care, retreats, prayer, chaplain ministries, parish ministry, home visiting, parish missions, catechetics and youth work.
In all our Convents we try to keep alive the spirit of minority, by living in the simplicity and joy of the gospel. Caught up in St Francis' hymn of praise to God, who is Creator of all, we are grateful for the privilege of being servants of all that is created.
At the invitations of local Bishops we moved to areas other than London, to work in their dioceses. We now have Convents in England, Scotland and South Africa. Nowadays the Sisters are involved in various ministries: education from nursery to adult level; nursing from conception ( pro-life), to death ( care of the elderly) and AIDS nursing, child care, retreats, prayer, chaplain ministries, parish ministry, home visiting, parish missions, catechetics and youth work.
In all our Convents we try to keep alive the spirit of minority, by living in the simplicity and joy of the gospel. Caught up in St Francis' hymn of praise to God, who is Creator of all, we are grateful for the privilege of being servants of all that is created.
In 1900 Mother Francis was approached by Bishop Bagshawe of Nottingham to accept ministry in Melton Mowbray Leicestershire. The Sisters moved to a Convent in Sherrard Street, Melton Mowbray but this house soon became too small for the Sisters. They then moved to 9 Thorpe End, Melton Mowbray and opened a private Convent school. Four little Catholic children enrolled - forever inscribed in the history of Catholic education in Melton Mowbray. Sunday school instruction and the meetings of Children of Mary sparked active interest. Enrollment of Catholic and non - Catholic students demanded more space.
By 1903 another move was necessary and this time the move was to Tower House, Dalby Road where the Sisters remain to this day. Mother Francis named the Convent Saint Joseph's. Under his powerful patronage and guardianship, our Founding Sisters were devoted to Saint Joseph and prayed The Seven Sundays Devotion to him for protection. This devotion originated with the Franciscans. They were rescued from shipwreck by St Joseph who requested this prayer and devotion which became popular in the 18th century. Tower House is the Mother House of the Congregation and there is also a thriving primary school dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi.
By 1903 another move was necessary and this time the move was to Tower House, Dalby Road where the Sisters remain to this day. Mother Francis named the Convent Saint Joseph's. Under his powerful patronage and guardianship, our Founding Sisters were devoted to Saint Joseph and prayed The Seven Sundays Devotion to him for protection. This devotion originated with the Franciscans. They were rescued from shipwreck by St Joseph who requested this prayer and devotion which became popular in the 18th century. Tower House is the Mother House of the Congregation and there is also a thriving primary school dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi.
Education of the young has always been a priority for our Congregation. According to the gifts of the Sisters our involvement varies from nursery to adult level. We take to heart the words of Pope John Paul II stated in his historic visit to England, 'Our beloved young people : the Church of today and the hope of tomorrow'.
St Clare's Convent is the House of Formation for our Congregation in the United Kingdom. Here, our Novices complete their training and preparation for First Profession of Vows. The nature, duration and place of Candidacy and Postulancy may vary according to the needs of the individual.
From 1903 until 1983 the Noviciate was at the Mother House in Melton Mowbray . Inspired by Church teaching and our Franciscan tradition it was decided to have the Noviciate as a separate foundation from the Mother House. Saint Clare's was established as a Noviciate in 1983.
Within the grounds of Saint Clare's Convent we also have a purpose built Franciscan House of Prayer and Solitude: The Portiuncula. Realising that the call to solitude lies at the heart of our Franciscan vocation, the Franciscan family continues to discover new ways of interpreting and living Saint Francis' Rule for Hermitages. Our Portiuncula is one example among many.
St Clare's Convent is the House of Formation for our Congregation in the United Kingdom. Here, our Novices complete their training and preparation for First Profession of Vows. The nature, duration and place of Candidacy and Postulancy may vary according to the needs of the individual.
From 1903 until 1983 the Noviciate was at the Mother House in Melton Mowbray . Inspired by Church teaching and our Franciscan tradition it was decided to have the Noviciate as a separate foundation from the Mother House. Saint Clare's was established as a Noviciate in 1983.
Within the grounds of Saint Clare's Convent we also have a purpose built Franciscan House of Prayer and Solitude: The Portiuncula. Realising that the call to solitude lies at the heart of our Franciscan vocation, the Franciscan family continues to discover new ways of interpreting and living Saint Francis' Rule for Hermitages. Our Portiuncula is one example among many.

Saint Clare, the first woman follower of Saint Francis of Assisi, continues to be an inspiration and encouragement to our Sisters. To mark her special year in 1993 we established a new Convent in her honour : San Damiano Convent.
Since the Lord has called us to such great things that those who are a mirror and example to others may be reflected in us, we are greatly bound to bless and praise God and to be strengthened more and more to do good in the Lord. Therefore, if we live according to the form mentioned above, we shall leave others a noble example and gain, with very little effort, the prize of eternal happiness. (Testament of Saint Clare)
In 2023, deeply moved and responding to the urgent plea to find homes for refugees from Ukraine, we transferred this property to The Saint John of God Charity in support of their project ‘Homes for Ukraine’. cf. Our Sisters who were resident in San Damiano, moved to our other Convents to continue their ministries.
Led by the Lord, we incarnate our Minority in the spirit of the Beatitudes by offering our service to all, but especially to the poor and those in need. (FSM Constitutions, Introduction)
At the request of Archbishop Campbell of Glasgow our Sisters opened a Convent in Scotland in 1946. Our nursing apostolate in Glasgow has embraced all areas of nursing care from conception to death. Our present Convent is situated close to the Sisters' ministry of care of the elderly in Saint Francis Care Home.
Since the Lord has called us to such great things that those who are a mirror and example to others may be reflected in us, we are greatly bound to bless and praise God and to be strengthened more and more to do good in the Lord. Therefore, if we live according to the form mentioned above, we shall leave others a noble example and gain, with very little effort, the prize of eternal happiness. (Testament of Saint Clare)
In 2023, deeply moved and responding to the urgent plea to find homes for refugees from Ukraine, we transferred this property to The Saint John of God Charity in support of their project ‘Homes for Ukraine’. cf. Our Sisters who were resident in San Damiano, moved to our other Convents to continue their ministries.
Led by the Lord, we incarnate our Minority in the spirit of the Beatitudes by offering our service to all, but especially to the poor and those in need. (FSM Constitutions, Introduction)
At the request of Archbishop Campbell of Glasgow our Sisters opened a Convent in Scotland in 1946. Our nursing apostolate in Glasgow has embraced all areas of nursing care from conception to death. Our present Convent is situated close to the Sisters' ministry of care of the elderly in Saint Francis Care Home.
In 1965, the Franciscan Friars in the Prefecture of Volksrust asked our Congregation to send some Sisters to help in their mission work among the desperately poor in the Eastern Transvaal of South Africa. In 1966 six Sisters departed from London airport - the first missionary venture of the Minoress Sisters.
Today in the spirit of Mother Francis, our Sisters in South Africa reach out to the poor in many different ministries including AIDS Nursing, Child Care, Catechetics, provision of food and housing for those in need, farming, art and craft skills, creche education and human trafficking prevention. In 2011, a new Convent was built in South Africa, called Saint Elizabeth's. This is the House of Formation where our Sisters welcome those who wish to explore and discern the call to be a Franciscan Sister Minoress.
Today in the spirit of Mother Francis, our Sisters in South Africa reach out to the poor in many different ministries including AIDS Nursing, Child Care, Catechetics, provision of food and housing for those in need, farming, art and craft skills, creche education and human trafficking prevention. In 2011, a new Convent was built in South Africa, called Saint Elizabeth's. This is the House of Formation where our Sisters welcome those who wish to explore and discern the call to be a Franciscan Sister Minoress.
The gift and charism of the Congregation was entrusted to the Servant Leadership of our Foundress, Mother Francis Murphy. Since that time, every canonically elected Mother General receives the mandate:
- to unify the Congregation
- to foster and inspire its life and mission
- to keep the Congregation faithful to the Gospel
- to keep the Congregation faithful to the Church
- to inspire all to renewal and adaptation in line with the charism of Mother Francis (FSM Constitutions, Chapter VI)
Sisters in Servant Leadership from 1927 - 2022
Presiding over the Servant Leadership within our Congregation is Our Blessed Lady. Saint Francis entrusted the Franciscan Family to Our Blessed Mother in the little Chapel of the Portiuncula, until the end of time. We are part of that larger family of Saint Francis. We too, entrust our Congregation to Mary every day in a prayer entitled, Prayer to Our Lady of our Convent. In this prayer we ask Our Lady for Good Success in all our undertakings for the honour and glory of her Son, Jesus. This prayer has been handed down through the generations of our Congregation. It has even more meaning and relevance today as the Vision of Our Lady of Good Success of The Purification is becoming more widely known, as prophesied by Our Lady. She said this Apparition would be obscured, hidden until the 20th century.
Our Lady of Good Success
Our Blessed Lady, Mother and Queen, has revealed herself as a Franciscan Religious, Abbess of the Conceptionist Franciscan Convent, wearing the Franciscan Cord of Saint Francis. This is the only Apparition of Our Lady where she identifies as a Religious and speaks specifically to Religious. The story is a remarkable one. Our Lady appeared to a Franciscan Nun, Mother Mariana of Jesus, seven times over a period of forty years with a special message for Religious in our time. Though the visions took place in the 17th century, most of the prophecies were given for the 20th and 21st centuries relating to Society, the Church, Priests and Religious. All the prophecies have been fulfilled except the last one. The Apparitions are fully approved by the Church and the story is in print, the most authentic being the two Volumes written by a Franciscan, Father Manuel Sousa Pereira, OFM, who had access to Mother Mariana’s personal writings and also to the Archives of the Convent. The incorrupt body of the Venerable Mother Mariana is in her Convent in Quito, The Franciscan City, Ecuador. |
Mother General, Sister Maria, FSM, being greeted by Pope John Paul II, whose encouraging and challenging words we take to our hearts.
You have not only a glorious history to remember and to recount, but also a great history still to be accomplished! Look to the future, where the Spirit is sending you in order to do even greater things.
(Pope John Paul II Vita Consecrata 110) |